My travelling experience in Madulsima...

First I would like to remind this quote prior to my adventure which is found in online...

             Travel is Rebellion in its purest form
                          We follow our heart
                          We free ourselves of labels
                          We lose control willingly
                          We trade a role for reality
                          We love the unfamiliar
                          We trust strangers
                          We own only what we can carry
                          We search for better questions
                                   not answers
                           We truly graduate
                          We, sometimes, choose to never come back......

Madulsima journey is one of memorable trip that I have ever been..... I got this chance by my best friend in my hostel while we were seeking for hiking fun.. We were supposed to travel Ella..but it was changed as a family trip to Madulsima with the planning of two days trip..However,  it won't change our hiking purpose... 
    Actually before heading to this place we had no idea about the location of Madulsima. Usually I used to search details prior to any kind of journey..but this time I missed since I thought it is in somewhere around Ella area...
    As far as I heard from my friends, Madulsima is a village on the highest elevation and a place where we can experience the thick mist always...travelling a distance of 180 Km from Colombo we reach the Passara town and from there got on to the Pitamaruwa Road, and reach Madulsima. It is famous for the mini world's end and no one forget to break journey to visit Madulsima World’s end. The Madulsima world's end is located at the end of the lush tea Plantation Roeberry Estate. The elevation of the Madulsima mountain is 1257 feet and is 2300-3400 above sea level. The highest part of the rock belongs to Roeberry estate and the lower part to the Dorapoda in Bibile district. The range of mountains are always covered in mist and has pleasant climate at all times.
Madulsima village

    So we set off our journey from Colombo at the early morning around 2.00 am..around 15 people were joined this trip but only my friend was the only person I knew..Others were her friend and his family members. It took some time to get along with them. Because I slept from the beginning of the journey till we reached to the Madulsima. Anyway, since it was my fresh start and I got rejuvenated. While on this journey, we got a chance to vist Dunhinda waterfall as well. We had to travel about 2 km on foot to reach the dunhinda waterfall. 
  Dunhinda is considered to be one of the most alluring falls in Sri Lanka and is in close proximity to Badulla town. The water resembles a thin cloud as it cascades 63m downwards into a large pool.  
Spectacular view of Dunhinda fall

Afterward we begun our journey again. The route was not easy as we thought because the road climbs steeply up the mountain. Except for  me and my friend, this journey filled the fear in others minds. Actually we were out of mind. As far as I remembered we had ventured into mountainous wilderness along with Madulsima road towrads the Roeberry tea estate. While on our way, we got a chance to visit Madulsima town, to seek something to consume but it was not comfortable as we lived in Colombo. We had to face some issues with the space in shops and availability of food. However, we got a opportunity to have some homemade kottu in there with different flavor rather than city kottu. I guess they have used their own recipe to make it different with the blend of spices and meat(chicken) which found in their place. But I found it as exceptional and I felt I got rare chance to taste their cuisine.  Since it was getting gloomy so we had to left Madulsima town and set off to Roeberry tea estate. It's been a long drive till we reached to our destination till late evening. I found that the place we were going to stay was interesting with the thick mist blends with heavy cold climate. At that time, even though I barely see around with gloominess but I was captured my first sight of view as white horse in front of bungalow. 

On their 7th Birthday..

We got a chance to spend one night in bungalow and we could made it as a remarkable memory in this journey. There were twin sisters who going to celebrate their 7th birthday on this day. So their family members arranged a small party for them in that bungalow. After the party, we got a chance along with each other. I found several amazing peoples with their unique personalities that I never met earlier. However,  We had a really good group of people so everyone looked out for each otherUsually they were leading happy-go-lucky sort of life while sipping their fizzy drinks and making situation better. Although that was out of my type I sipped a beer for the first time for their friendship. We were awake till late night while experiencing the cold than I ever felt. However, my travelling experience turns adventurous with these guys. This is how the first day of trip went on.

The next day morning I could capture some views around the bungalow.

Next up in this journey was heading to Mini world's end. After having our breakfast , we set off our hike to Mini world's end. We had a long walk through Roeberry tea estate to reach our destination. We took fast steps to avoid leeaches on our way. When we came to Mini world's end , the Scenery at the top tea estate really picture perfect. It made me that I was at the place where the nature around you feels right and  welcoming. 

lush plains

Dreadly effort to be on the top...

I and my friend posed at Mini world's end..

After visiting Mini world's end, we came to bungalow again and packed our bags to leave. We gave them proper good bye who offered accommodation for us.
Hydrangea flower was the sign of leaving from bungalow
Next up our journey was visiting Ella but it took long hours to reach there. It was around 4 p.m when we reached to the Ravana falls and then we had lunch there. Unfortunately, it was getting dark so we couldn't travel further in Ella. Therefore we just visited Ravana fall to resemble our Ella trip. Afterwards, we left from Ella back to Colombo. That was the end of our Madulsima journey.
      Even this was the end of this journey , the memories and experiences we created would last for some time.

Effort of  "View from photographer's eye..".
 I found this adventure as really exciting and so special to me since I got this chance suddenly via my friend. It made me different kind of  experience rather than field visits in my university. I would like to thank those group of people who given us this chance (Ashan tutu, Eranga ayya, Bindu ayya, Avarjana and rest of others) whereas special thanks goes to my friend Samanthika who was along with to make this moment memorable and I would like to acknowledge the service provided by housekeepers in the Bungalow as well as these special cordial thanks goes to Assistant Manager of Roeberry Group, Mr. Tharindu Jayasinghe..
 Thank you for everybody who along with me...I hope you enjoy..


  1. Elemanne bungalow eke number eka denna puluwanda..? pls


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