Trekking of World's End via Non pareil Estate and Visit of Belihuloya Area

                       Our trip just planned  as a  hike through the estate of Non Pareil to the base of the world's end. So the journey was started from Colombo in the early morning around 2 a.m. As we reached to Belihul Oya we had to break the journey at the place where we got accommodation facilities at Brampton Division, Assistant Superintendent Bungalow. The Bungalow lies between Surathali  Falls and Bambarakanda Falls. Since the route to Bungalow is in rough condition we had to park the vehicle on the base and then we got Tuktuk transport to reach the Bungalow. This Bungalow lies on a hill with surrounded by lush green tea estates and mist embarrassed mountains. It is an ideal place for a peaceful holiday with tranquility surrounded by the scenic beauty of nature in a cool environment. We just planned to stay two days and one night at this coolest place. Before we starts our trip we had breakfast and re-freshened ourselves from here.
                   One thing has to be considered was always we have to seek Tuktuk transport facility when reach up to bungalow or reach down to Parking area. However, as mobile signals are interrupted in this place we had to stay with limited mobile services.

Name Board of Bungalow on Colombo-Badulla Main Road (A4) when passed Surathali Falls 

Brampton division, Superintendent Bungalow

               We started our ultimate tour to Non Periel estate after 9 past morning from Bungalow. So again we drove along the Colombo-Batticaloa Highway road (A4) and after passing Pambahinna we came to the road leading Non pareil estate.Once we reach there , turn right to Nonpareil Estate road lead by Signboard.
Turning point of A4 road
                According to sign board we have to travel 21 Km along the road to reach Nagrak by climbing up the Non pareil mountain range while passing  breathtaking 33 hairpin bends.                      After travelling about 6 Km on this narrow road we reached a small school building on our left, the vehicle was parked and we began journey by foot. The pathway was not in good condition to travel by a vehicle as it hits with road. The road condition is decent up to this Tamil school and gets worse after that point.
                 Also during this time no vehicles are allowed to pass this bend or enter into estate since the road before tea estate is currently under construction. Although it is tiring, the walking along the path is the only possible way to the tea estate .   

Signboard lead to tea estate

The school where we parked the vehicle

Non pareil estate waterfall

                Just past school building, there is a bend and once  go past it, the falls would be visible by the road. Nonpareil Estate Waterfall is a three-step cascade located within the Nonpareil Tea estate.
 The fall is fed by unnamed stream originating from Horton plains. The stream eventually conjoins with Hirikatu Oya and this fall is divided into two sections.

             While passing the scenery of this fall, we walked along the pathway to reach tea estate. As it is tiresome we managed to get into trucks that went past us. However, we were lucky to have one such transport on our way.  As we reached to the construction area on the road, we were only allowed to cross by foot. From here, we were traveled by a truck provided by my friend in estate. In this journey we have to pass the check point to enter the tea estate as it is not a government property from there. But as we granted permission from the estate we were permitted to cross the check point. Otherwise you might have to pay a small sum for the guard ( To buy a ticket worth around Rs.200/= )

   Next up our hard journey began from the base of tea estate by 11th Bend.  Since the road is so narrow that only one vehicle can travel  and it makes us frightened and nervous when the truck driver take on dangerous bends as a pro and through bridges with no rails by side.

       At the 23rd bend the truck stopped as it is considered as special bend known as Baker's Bend. It took less than two hours to reach this bend. The horseshoe-shaped Baker’s Bend is situated in upper side of the Non Pareil Estate bordering famous wildlife reserve Horton plains. The view of  the Samanala Wewa Reservoir which is possible to spot on a clear day from this view point. This picturesque bend is surrounded by some beautiful mountains of the World’s End Mountain Range. At a height of 5,000 feet MSL, the viewpoint affords panoramic views towards Balathuduwa, Gommolikanda, Adarakanda mountain range to the left and southern plains, Samanala and Udawalawe Reservoirs to the right, Nagrak division and Horton Plains loom behind usually covered in mist. British governor Samuel Bakers used to traverse from Ihala-Galagama area to Horton plains and had to pass the area where the current bend is. The horse he rode suddenly slipped and fell off the cliff but the governor survived. He built this bend in the shape of a horseshoe to commemorate his travel companion as he grieved by loss. Vehicles are not allowed passed the factory gate unless you have a booking in Nagrak Bungalow. The distance is about 11 km from Belihuloya to the bend but you can cut this distance using shortcuts through the estate.  Baker’s bend and the surrounding area belong to Nonpareil Estate (Balangoda Plantations) and they have every right to forbid people from going if someone got caught misbehaving. Now it is almost limited to public.

View of Samanala Reservoir from Baker's Bend

View from Baker's Bend

Our travel companion
Afterward we traveled further 4 Km up along the road while passing risky bends up to 33rd  to reach Nagrak Holiday Bungalow. After passing 31st Bend, Small village with line houses was passed and we got our guide from there. Nagrak, a tea estate located at the base of the precipitous cliff of World's End the terrain's highest point that provides a lot of surprisingly panoramic views of mysterious nature. This region  possesses an environment with a high degree of biodiversity also the wilderness is further beautified by varied flora and fauna endemic perhaps to the regions of higher level.

Signage at 33rd Bend

Almost 7000 ft
We reached Nagrak Bungalow by 2 p.m and we had to cross the Hortan Plains Reserve before it gets dark. This is the shortest pathway to world's end through the forest but entry was prohibited to the public. Those who are granted permission from Department of Wildlife and Forestry allowed to walk through this forest. However, The path to World's end from Nagrak Bungalow is private property. Only who booked Nagrak Bungalow also has permission to get in. Moreover, this is considered one such wonderful place where you could get completely isolated and feel heavenly
Our venturing through forest where wilderness remain completely free from human influence truly adventurous. Non Pareil Trail to the World’s End begins behind the bungalow but there’s a signage saying the entrance without a permit is prohibited. Therefore park officials keep a very close eye on the intruders and will take necessary legal actions against them. 
   We set off our trek to World's End by around 2. 30 p.m via Horton Plains reserve with experienced guide from Non pareil village. Before starting our walk, lunch was provided by Bungalow keeper with his kind consideration since this is an one hour walk with difficult foot path. 
This walk is bit hard because we have to cross through some thorny trees and wind disturbed areas where most trees were damaged.  Leopards and Buffaloes are common in this forest.But luckily we were not encountered with wild animals in there as they avoid daytime appearance.
While following guidance

Nelu (Strobilanthes sp.)
Throughout the path in forest we could see special kind of flowering plant in light purple color known as  Nelu (Sinhala ) or Strobilanthes Sp. of Acanthaceae family were in abundance. This is a very specific flowering plant in Horton Plains that bloom only once in its life cycle of 8-11 years and all Nelu plants flower, seeds and then die in one specific time period.
 After about 4 Km of difficult track we reached World's End through the Horton plains nature forest thick undergrowth.
Mist blowing area in World's End

We achieved our ultimate goal of reaching World's End by 3.30 p.m. As it is so sunny we were not bothered by cold climate in Nuwara Eliya. After having surprisingly panoramic views of mysterious nature with fog covered mountains,  we have to walk down the hill before it gets dark. We followed the same strenuous walk to Nagrak Bungalow through forest until  4.30. After arriving to Bungalow we just strolled around.

 Since the Bungalow was under construction, no one allowed to get accommodation facilities. We were only permitted to stroll around the garden.

                 Afterward we began to walk down up to line houses near 31st bend to get our transport. While staying there we were treated by hot cup of tea with Rotti.
        It was dark when truck backs to village by around 7 p.m. Also the temperature was dropping up to 8-10 degrees when it get darker and getting more colder since we were on 7000 feets above.
Their pace of life...

Tea plucker's shop
So again we were traveled back same route at night and that was really adventurous when passing hairpin bends on this hard road made us nervous until gets back to our vehicles. After 11th bend we climbed down alone with car but we managed to be safe. It is 10 pm past when we reached to Bramington Bangalow. Surprisingly, this seems to be whole day travel from early morning to night.
Since it was such tiresome journey we managed to get long rest until following day.  
                            Following day, after resting ourselves we planned to visit some of interesting places in Belihuloya . Surathali falls, Pahanthudawa Falls and Belihuloya River Gardens were the places we have visited. 
At 170 kilometre post on Colombo - Badulla highway

Path towards fall from main road


Closer view  of Surathali Falls
Afterward we had a visit near University of Sabaragamuwa before tavel to Pahanthudawa falls and refreshed ourselves.

After visiting Pahanthudawa, our final stop was Belihul Oya River Garden guest with Belihul oya river where we had lunch.

At the end we made great a memory with full of adventures..It was tiring but enjoyable...
          I would like to mention visit as much as places you could, It helps you to build up well experienced person than book worm..Nature never gives pains but lessons only..Trekking of  Worl's End via Non pareil Estate made possible with my travelling gang.. 
     It is so much pleasure to offer spacial thank to Tharindu jayasinghe who help us throughout this journey by sponsoring accommodation and transport as well as for support you gave us to make this possible. 

          Thank you for everybody who along with me.... I hope you enjoy with this....


  1. It was an amazing journey.. I like the blog.. Keep it up Shyalu 👍

  2. Exactly how it happend, written very well 😁, glad i was part of this team, hope we get to have more journeys like this

    1. Thank you so much ..Happy to have you..see you in more adventures


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